Becoming pregnant isn’t always easy. For women our menstrual health and moon cycle regularity plays an integral part of conception. Other factors like age, general health, diet, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and stress levels are also important.

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing practices in the world and I have been practicing acupuncture for 16 years. During this time, I have seen not only its popularity rise but also its scope of treatment widen.

During my extensive years of practice and training in Australia, China and Japan I developed a deeper level of respect and admiration for women and their reproductive journeys.

Thus, my practice was born. My focus and interest have been women’s health and in particular reproductive health including regulation of menstrual cycle, fertility, infertility, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, Pregnancy and Post Natal.

In my practice I use acupuncture to assist in all areas of reproductive health. From regulating menstruation to helping women resume ovulation which can be inhibited after spending many years on chemical birth control or from other health conditions or illnesses. Acupuncture can provide relief and assist in all these areas.

Pregnancy is a time of great excitement and it can also be a time of great anxiousness. Acupuncture can deal with all the common symptoms that arise during pregnancy; this in term promotes good health of both mother and child. An acupuncture session will immediately improve blood flow to the uterus giving the baby an adequate supply of oxygen and other nutrients. Acupuncture can assist with reducing stress and anxiety.

Acupuncture can be safely used from pre-conception to post birthing. During the first trimester of pregnancy, acupuncture can help reduce the symptoms of morning sickness, nausea, headaches and migraines.
In the second trimester a woman’s body goes through dramatic changes as the baby continues to grow. This can lead to backaches and hip discomfort. Heartburn and reflux may be present. Acupuncture can help ease these symptoms.
The third trimester can bring many symptoms as the baby continues to grow and your body is accommodating this growth. Sciatica, back aches and joint pain are quite normal as your body prepares for birthing.

In my practice I commence birth preparation sessions from 36 weeks. Weekly sessions help prepare your body for the journey ahead. These treatments are designed to control and decrease levels of anxiety and stress, ensure the smooth flow of energy and blood and give you some down time away from the business of daily life.

With the arrival of your beautiful new baby… Acupuncture can assist with post-partum care. Breastfeeding, caesarean wound healing, postnatal depression and bladder problems are some of the conditions that can be helped with acupuncture.

Pregnancy Acupuncture is an ideal form of treatment as it offers women drug free relief for a variety of conditions present during pregnancy and childbirth. Acupuncture can improve a woman’s quality of life without medical intervention.

Acupuncture is also a safe and effective method of improving fertility and reproductive health. Women who make the decision to use Assisted Reproductive Technologies (IVF) may find it a physically and emotionally challenging time as the effects of medications’ and constant interventions can be exhausting and overwhelming. Recent research suggests that acupuncture stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone and signalling substance that regulates the parasympathetic nervous system. This system has been called the “rest and digest” or “calm and connect” system. Calming the mind and body are imperative for optimal reproductive health.

Acupuncture works by increasing blood flow to the ovaries and uterus reduces stress levels and improves the function of the endocrine system all of which support reproductive health. Healthy blood flow is essential for reproductive function and stress can interfere with sperm production in men as well as menstrual cycles in women.

I am a member of the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA), and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) – the national body responsible for setting the benchmarks for education practice and accreditation.
I have a home-based practice which allows me to focus all my attention on one patient at a time… YOU! I have created a safe, nurturing, warm and relaxing environment which embraces calmness and peacefulness. The setting of my physical clinic space augments the genuine benefits of acupuncture.

I am a woman passionate about my profession and I work with women who are passionate about their health. I always work respectfully and with integrity.

I look forward to sharing part of your incredibly amazing journey.

Adriana Bellicanta Acupuncture