Traditional Chinese Medicine has revered the placenta as a powerful and invaluable part of the postpartum healing process for thousands of years. After giving birth many new mothers experience blood loss, fatigue, and a drop in their high pregnancy hormones; all of which are attributed to the development of the baby blues and PND. The placenta is deemed to be made up of Qi – the life energy – and placenta capsules may assist in postpartum wellness by replenishing your system through reintroducing essential hormones, natural iron and protein back into your body.
The Oxytocin Collective is made up of 3 Mamas with a collective interest in all things birthy! Ana & Bec bonded over a common love of the natural life, natural parenting and the knowledge that our bodies are capable of the most remarkable things. With this sentiment in mind, they combined their experience and education to offer Placenta Encapsulation Services to women of the Newcastle, upper Central Coast and Lake Macquarie areas, and have now expanded to cover the Mid North Coast/Port Macquarie regions as well. In 2018, Ysée joined the collective after the birth of her son having experienced the benefits of Placenta Encapsulation firsthand, and coming originally from France, Ysée is fluent in both French & English. All 3 have encapsulated themselves and having enjoyed an easy and calm postpartum period with the birth of their own children, were compelled to offer their services to allow other mothers the opportunity to enjoy this same incredible experience.
Each member of The Oxytocin Collective holds Certification in Safe Food Handling Preparation as per the NSW Food Safety Act as well as Bloodborne Pathogens & Infection Control for Placenta Encapsulators by Biologix. The Oxytocin Collective are currently undertaking the APPA Internationally Accredited Course for Placenta Encapsulators and are registered on the Placenta Services Australia website
Client safety is paramount for The Oxytocin Collective and all Placenta Specialists go above and beyond with strict sanitizing protocols and preparation techniques. Each placenta is processed from start to finish before beginning another, so there is no chance of cross contamination or confusion. Your safety is our concern and the encapsulation process is undertaken in a dedicated area with no possibility of mishandling.
These statements were received from clients of The Oxytocin Collective and the benefits can’t be ignored.
“I don’t know what I would have done without my little pills of happiness!” – Sarah
“The thought of it was far worse than the reality of ‘eating my placenta’. It was no different to taking a headache tablet and the way they make me feel makes it so worthwhile” – Ang
“I cried the day my placenta tablets ran out…” – Alisha
Reports from mothers who have encapsulated include:
♁ Helping to balance your hormones
♁ Replenishing depleted iron levels
♁ Assisting the uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy state
♁ Reducing post-natal bleeding
♁ Increasing milk production – this has been proven in a study
♁ Making for a happier, more enjoyable post-natal period
♁ Increasing your energy levels
For more information on how placenta encapsulation can benefit you, visit