Making Babies, and IVF Success, 1, 2, 3!

Starting a family can be a time of excitement and joy, but the road there isn’t always easy.
It used to be thought that genetics were set. But science has taught us that our child’s genes, in utero and as they grow as children into adults, are changeable! In a nut shell – we can shape our baby’s journey with the food we eat!

All humans on a conception journey, IVF or otherwise, enjoy great benefits with lifestyle advice from a certified fertility dietitian, and advantages to this are reflected in the long-term health of your child as they progress to adulthood, minimising the greater risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, allergy and some psychological conditions.

There are five key factors needed for healthy conception where nutrition can help:
1. Healthy sperm (ask me more)
2. Healthy egg/s (ask me more)
3. Ovulation (when the egg is released from the ovary – preferably in a timely manner)
4. The egg and the sperm need to join together to create an embryo
5. The embryo needs to implant into the uterus (this requires establishing a healthy uterus)

In Australia 1 in 6 couples require IVF. The experience is not widely, openly talked about in society, but if you have a friend who has been through it, you’ll know it is commonly: time costly; expensive; intrusive; and, even, sometimes, painfully emotional.

By applying my expert knowledge and by working together on your journey, we can expect a shorter time to conceive; fewer IVF cycles needed (if any) and with all of this, vastly reduced costs.

When we work together, I order and analyse the useful and relevant blood tests, I provide an analysis of your ideal supplement requirements (to enhance your fertility/pregnancy health) and I work with you to enjoy and follow evidence-based, personalised, dietary advice.

First steps today, are you aware of your intakes from the range of various food groups, and their effects on fertility?

Contact me for a chat,
Sally Marchini.

Tel: 02 4971 0770

ivf newcastle

I: @marchini.nutrition FB: MarchiniNutritionAPD
The Belmont Specialist Centre, 30 Glover St, Belmont, or by TeleHealth