Enjoy these three informative case example shared by Natalie Ebrill from “Sleep and Settle”.

Each case example has a great variety of ideas for mums to explore with their babies’ needs.

sleep and settle


Issues: Fights sleep, has a dummy that doesn’t help her sleep and mum doesn’t know how to stop using it. If she falls asleep, will wake crying within five minutes. Experiences wind, reflux, constipation and is unsettled and unhappy all the time. Minimal floor play and not rolling. Mum feels like she is losing her mind. Has no time for her toddler or her business.

Solution: We encouraged age-appropriate awake times, encouraged more tummy time, changed the formula, tweaked the wrapping, confirmed tired signs, respected when Scarlett was tired and responded to her with gentle settling that allowed her to love going to sleep.

Result: “Natalie came into our home and with her gentle approach made some changes to the room, helped guide me and she is now settling so quickly and sleeping through her sleep cycles. This has made life so much easier for the whole family as she is so easy to get to sleep- anyone can do it! Thankyou!”

Jess and Scarlett O’Hearn. Ellalong. NSW.


Sleep and Settle


Issues: Will only sleep if being held or slept with by a parent or sucking on a bottle. If parents attempt to put her in her cot she will scream and fight hysterically. This can go on for hours. Refuses sleep. Sitting up but not crawling or interested in eating solids. Mum feeling anxious, confused and worth­less. Lots of negative emotions. Trying to stay positive for Harper’s development but it’s very hard.

Solution: Initiated an age-appropriate daily routine which provided structure to the day, increased the variety and amount of solids, encouraged active floor play and crawling to help Harper earn her sleep, respected her tired signs, identified personal sleep windows, applied gentle settling techniques in the cot that she responded to quickly.

Result: “Within a week, Harper has learnt to crawl and has taken a very big interest in eating many different foods. The Harper we had prior to your consultation changed in 1 week and she is a much calmer, happier baby. Nathan and I sum up your program in two words and that is “LIFE CHANGING”. For anyone who is thinking of having a sleep consultant, please contact Natalie, you will not be disappointed. Natalie, we can’t thank you enough, you have saved this household and made our lives so much happier!”.

Tiffany, Nathan and Harper. Chisholm. NSW


sleep and settle


Issues: Two day sleeps, unstructured routine with older school aged brothers. Frequent night waking. Has a dummy, sleeping in mum and dad’s bed in the day or the car. 8pm bedtime. Night sleep in a cot in mum and dad’s room. Relying on breastfeeding for settling and resettling over­night. Frequent milk feeds and minimal solids.

Solution:  Introduced regular meal times, active play time, one day sleep and a consistent bedtime of 7pm. Increased the amount and variety of family foods and water and discussed reducing ‘additives’. Encouraged a sleeping bag for all sleeps and implemented a consistent and responsive sleep strategy that delivered sound and solid sleep within days.

Result: “When Natalie arrived her kind nature just filled the room. No aggressive tactics, just a few small tweaks here and there. Natalie came on the Monday and Wednesday night Leo slept through the entire night. We went from walking zombies to people who knew that they would get sleep. I had been putting off contacting someone for so long as I was apprehensive about asking a stranger for help and bringing them into our home. Leo has slept through every single night since that Wednesday. We are truly grateful for Natalie.”

Ree and Leo. Stockrington. NSW

Cases shared by,

Natalie Ebrill RN, CFHN, Baby Sleep Consultant

Ph: 0434 953 953

natalie ebrill